Welcome to Best Foot Forward

Our physical and emotional well-being are some of the most important areas of our lives and are ones that we often neglect. Here at my treatment room in Selby, I specialise in providing relaxing, gentle and supportive therapies which may assist with many aspects of your life.

As a professionally qualified Reflexology, Reiki and Massage therapist with over fifteen years' experience, I am fully insured and work to strict codes of practice and ethics, all of which assures you of the best possible service.

If you have any questions, or would like to make an appointment, please visit the contact us page.

These gentle complementary therapies are suitable for everyone, adults, children and elderly people alike. A treatment can be tailored to suit your exact requirements.

Many people have treatments on a regular basis simply to maintain health and well being. Others use Reflexology, Reiki or Massage to relax mind and body which enables them to cope on a physical, mental and emotional level.

Reflexology, Reiki and Massage work on an individual basis and may alleviate and improve symptoms such as everyday stress and tension. These therapies can be a wonderfully relaxing experience where you can take time out from everyday pressures. The therapist's expert touch will help you relax which can help improve mood, relieve tension and aid sleep. The result is an overall improved sense of well-being.

First appointments will take approximately 45 -75 minutes depending on your choice of therapy. As a qualified therapist I will go through a consultation with the client before treatment. The consultation will concentrate on the client’s medical history, lifestyle and wellbeing and any contraindications to receiving the treatment. The treatment will only be carried out if the therapist is satisfied that it can be performed safely. This information is taken and kept in the strictest of confidence but will help to form a detailed picture of your treatment needs.

The next step is an initial treatment. Reflexology a gentle pressure will be applied to your feet and any sensations that you experience are recorded. This information is then used to create a full individual treatment plan, tailored exactly to your specific requirements. The only clothing you need to remove during a reflexology session will be your shoes and socks. A reflexology treatment would normally last for approximately one hour.

Reiki the method of receiving a treatment from a Reiki practitioner is a very simple process. The therapist attunes to the client's energy. The client simply lies on a couch and relaxes. If they are unable to lie down the treatment can be given in a sitting position. There is no need to remove any clothing as Reiki will pass through anything, even plaster casts. The therapist gently places their hands non-intrusively in a sequence of positions which cover the whole body. The whole person is treated rather than specific symptoms. A full treatment usually takes ½ to 1 hour with each position held for several minutes.

Massage The treatment times can be tailored to the client and will take anywhere between half an hour to an hour. Swedish massage is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension in the body. In all Swedish massage, the therapist lubricates the skin with massage oil and performs various massage strokes. These movements warm up the muscle tissue, releasing tension and gradually breaking up muscle "knots" or adhered tissues, called adhesions. Swedish massage promotes relaxation, amoung other health benefits. During a Swedish massage you are generally undressed and covered with towels, the therapist will only uncover the area of the body being worked on, a process called draping. Therapy couches in my clinic are gently heated for the comfort of the client during a massage.

Indian Head massage This is an extremely effective therapy evolved from traditional techniques practised in India for over a thousand years. The treatment involves massage to the upper back, shoulders, upper arms, neck, face and scalp with the client remaining seated in an upright position. This massage works on significant areas of the body especially the neck and shoulders where stress affects the major muscle groups and can often bring immediate relief. It also helps to improve the efficiency of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Tensions are relieved and flexibility and fluidity of movement can be restored.

AromaTouch Technique A clinical approach to essential oil application using certified therapeutic grade oils. This therapy was developed by Dr David Hill a leading expert in the use of essential oils for medicinal benefit. The technique has been developed to address four systemic constants: Stress, Toxic Insult, Inflammatory Response and Autonomic Imbalance. Recognising that there are these common factors at the foundation of illness in the body, AromaTouch Tecnique was developed to manage these systemic contraints and return the body to a state of balance. This technique is performed of the clients back as well as the head and feet, removal of top clothing and socks is required for this treatment. The therapist will cover or drape the client when an area is not been worked on.The oils used are non greasy so do not leave a residue in the hair and are quickly absorbed by the skin. 

All the therapies I offer promote relaxation, for the body, mind and spirit.

I offer a customer loyalty scheme 'refer a friend' which allows regular clients to earn money off their own treatments.

Special Discounts for senior citizens.

Treat that special someone to a Best Foot Forward Gift Voucher, these can be personalised.

Mobile appointments are available on request - enjoy the therapy of your choice in the comfort of your own home.

Treatment prices start from £20